Background and History Bishop's Office Departments Archdeaconries Institutions

Welcome to Our world in Rukoni

Situated in the picturesque locale of Rukoni, our Archdeaconry is a place of spiritual nourishment and community fellowship. With its tranquil surroundings and vibrant atmosphere, Rukoni Archdeaconry comprises seven dynamic parishes. We are pleased to share that God's hand has been evident in every aspect of our journey. Under His divine guidance and provision, Rukoni Archdeaconry has flourished, embracing growth, unity, and service to our community. His grace has brought harmony to our leaders and activities, enriching our spiritual endeavors and fostering a deep sense of belonging among our congregation. We extend a warm welcome to you to join us in experiencing the blessings and joy of fellowship within our blessed community.

Parish Sub-Parish
Rukoni Rukoni COU
Kitooha COU
Nyamiyaga COU
Katembatembe COU
Kabobo COU
Kyentama COU
Rwengwe COU
Nyakyera Nyakyera COU
Kibingo COU
Rwenyonyozi COU
Kashoro COU
Buhiga COU
Kishojwa COU
Rwentanga COU
Ruregye COU
Kahengyere COU
Ruzinga Ruzinga COU
Nyarubumba COU
Rwazina COU
Mpanga COU
Kanyerere Kanyerere COU
Mushunga COU
Kahoko COU
Ruhiri COU
Murambi COU
Mt. Horeb COU
Rwoho Rwoho COU
Igongo COU
Kitwe Kitwe COU
Kigomero COU
Bakiharire COU
Bubaare COU
Rwembogo COU
Kaburangira COU
Rwamarebe COU
Kashanda Kashanda COU
Kabahikwe COU
Kitogosi COU