Background and History Bishop's Office Departments Archdeaconries Institutions

A cordial Welcome from Kitunga to You

Located in the heart of Kitunga, Kitunga Archdeaconry is blessed with five vibrant parishes, each dedicated to serving God and the community with unwavering faith. Our journey has been one of progress and growth, all made possible by God’s grace. His guidance and blessings have been the cornerstone of our ministry, empowering us to reach new heights in our spiritual mission. We are delighted to welcome you to our Archdeaconry, where faith, hope, and love abound. Join us and be a part of our blessed community, as we continue to walk in the light of God's grace.

Parish Sub-Parish
Kitunga Kitunga COU
Rwashamaire COU
Kirama COU
Kitunga COU
Katooma COU
Bushamba COU
Nyabikiri COU
Kyenshaki COU
Nyakisa Nyakisa COU
Kakoki COU
Kamunyiga COU
Rujumo COU
Kinoni COU
Nombe COU
Nyabushenyi COU
Nkongooro Nkongooro COU
Kasinga COU
Kabumba COU
Rukanga COU
Rwenkuba COU
Kanyampumo COU
Ihunga Ihunga COU
All Saints Kagarama
Karambi COU
Kagamba Kagamba COU
Butega COU
Katenga COU
Bihanga COU
Kasyoro COU