Background and History Bishop's Office Departments Archdeaconries Institutions

Itojo Extends its warm Welcome to You

Located in the heart of Itojo, our Archdeaconry is a beacon of faith and community, encompassing eight vibrant parishes. We are proud to witness the remarkable progress and blessings we experience, all thanks to God's hand upon us. His divine guidance and mercy have been our foundation, empowering us to thrive in our ministry and community activities. The presence of the Lord is palpable in every aspect of our work, fostering unity, peace, and spiritual growth. We warmly welcome you to join our blessed community, where the love and grace of God are ever-present, enriching our lives and guiding our mission

Parish Sub-Parish
Itojo Itojo COU
Nyakabungo COU
Kikunyu COU
Hospital Chapel
Kyabajwa COU
Kacwambiro COU
Ruhanga Ruhanga COU
Kibingo COU
Rwempiri COU
Rwentojo COU
Nyongozi Nyongozi COU
Ishunga COU
Nkomero COU
Kisyamya COU
Bukiro COU
Buhanama Buhanama COU
Bukoora COU
Nyakiboho COU
Kashenyi COU